I'm well over half way and getting increasingly bigger! My husband felt them move for the first time yesterday which was really special! I'm feeling their prods and kicks much more now - they are still gentle but its definitely noticeable! The twins are currently both head down and facing each other but they are moving around like crazy so I'm sure our next scan will show them in a different position!
Clothes-wise, I'm living in leggings and maternity long sleeved tshirts with a jumper. I can't wait for it to get a bit hotter and I can start wearing more flattering pregnancy clothing. I've just invested in some more bra's although the bra extenders up until now have been really helpful. So far, I've gone up a cup size - and my ribcage has expanded - so I'm a 36D from a 34 C. The saleswoman says I'll definitely need to go back again before they arrive in July. She advised me to buy a combined maternity/nursing bra to save money. Not the most beautiful but soooo comfy.
I don't have stretchmarks yet and my tummy button is still an 'inny'! However I think its just a matter of time! Things like putting on shoes are now becoming much more of a struggle, and sitting up in bed is now a bit of a palaver ... I now have to roll onto my right side, swing my legs over the side of the bed and then push myself up. That probably sounds easy but when you have to avoid my 20 year old blind, diabetic cat- it becomes more problematic! I was given a pregnancy pillow - one of those really long ones in the shape of the letter 'c' and its been invaluable! If I don't have the pillow between my legs and tucked around the back, I get really bad back ache. However, I cannot sleep for a long stretch on my side. My nights are now spent alternating between lying on my left side and my back and frequent trips to the bathroom!
My legs are now swelling up during the day and by the end of the day my ankles have basically disappeared. I think this may be quite early so I'm making an effort to put my legs up whenever I'm sitting down. I also have early signs of varicose veins. I know they are hereditary and my mum suffered really badly from them in pregnancy. I'm massaging in my Simply Pregnant body lotion and massage oil like crazy in the hope that it keeps them at bay - fingers crossed! Its certainly working for the stretch marks!
My biggest and by far the most annoying symptom is Heartburn. Ugh. I've had this pretty much since finding out that I was pregnant. I think this is payback time for not suffering from Morning Sickness! However its now got to the stage whereby I get it after every meal and also after exercise! I'm taking Gaviscon tablets after each meal (ugh), drinking lots of milk (Goats) which helps temporarily and keeping my meals small and avoiding fatty, spicy foods. I'm currently experimenting with essential oils and other natural solutions so I'll let you know if I find anything that works!
The other thing that has been getting steadily worse is my breathlessness! I know this is caused by the increased blood volume. With twins, by the end of my pregnancy I will have double the amount of blood that I had before ... which means my heart has to work twice as hard which leads to breathlessness. I feel and sound like an old lady after walking up hills and up stairs!
I still have good amounts of energy however I'm noticing that I am getting tired in the afternoons/evenings. I guess that's to be expected! Anyway more soon .....
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